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Our program synthesizes resourcing and leadership development to mitigate the harm of COVID-19. Our community sites do away with traditional barriers and test all participants regardless of status, while our self-admin and pilot programs equip community members with the knowledge and skills to bring these tests into their own homes toward increasing our impact.


On-Site Community Testing

Our sites provide the public with free COVID-19 resources—free of cost, and free of judgment. Staff are trained to administer tests and advise on the next steps, regardless of one’s result.


As of February 1 2023 we have wrapped up our community testing sites. We are so grateful to have made a long-lasting impact in the following geographies:


In partnership with Chinatown Community Development Center

Daly City

In partnership with 
San Francisco Rebels Basketball


In partnership with 
Cameron House

Testing FAQ

Phase 2

Train the partner on the ins and outs of rapid test administration; partners complete  key compliance requirements.

Self Administration

In addition to the sites we staff, we train partner organizations to administer their own rapid tests to their respective community members on their own time. In doing so, we increase capacity across multiple dimensions—leadership, education, and of course, safety.


Phase 1

Work with the partner organization to confirm all details necessary to guarantee a productive training session.

Phase 3

Supervise the partner during initial testing sessions to verify self-sufficiency and address any final concerns.

Phase 4

Support the partner through provision of case reports, updates on the COVID-19 landscape, and other training opportunities.

At Home & Community Testing
Our 40-Pack Use Case Pilot

Our pilot program took co-leadership one step further by training individuals within our communities to administer tests to their family, friends, and networks.

This program specifically seeks to increase equitable access to testing for our community most disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, Black/African American communities in Bayview Hunters Point. By providing leaders in this community with a tool for well-being, we enable them greater access and agency at a time of unprecedented and unpredictable change.

From August to January 2023 we worked closely with eleven individuals from the SF Brown Bombers, one of our flagship partner organizations. We walked each participant throughout the ins and outs of testing to better understand the pros and cons/barriers to at home and community testing, so that we could provide deep care navigation support.

This nimble group of eleven administered 250 rapid COVID-19 tests to those they call community, demonstrating the power of community-driven alternatives to institutional public health programs. We hope to use the findings from this pilot to inform future testing programs in a world where COVID-19 will not simply disappear, and look forward to the ways we can equip community members with the tools and agency to take charge of their own safety. 


"This pilot program should be a permanent program for all communities. Going forward with Covid-19 there should be full access to this type of program."


Pilot Participant


Your support helps us build a safer future for all.

With your help, we can stop the spread of COVID-19 and continue to co-create community resilience.

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